Komax’s Motionless Mixers for Flawless Ozone-Liquid Contacting

As a leading player in the static mixer segment, Komax Systems, Inc has provided cutting-edge solutions for mixing chemical, waste water, and sludge among other things. Komax motionless mixers for ozone-liquid contacting continue this lineage. This line of mixers comprises a unique porous ozone injector and no moving parts, which translates into zero-maintenance. Motionless mixers provide the additional benefit of quiet and vibration-free operation.

Komax’s patented 20-micron porous gas injector creates micro-size ozone bubbles which offer unmatched gas-liquid contact. When millions of gas bubbles are created and then uniformly dispersed throughout the process flow, the result is a highly homogenous ozone-contacted liquid. Our estimates have revealed that the ozone motionless mixers offer 2200% improved ozone contacting!

However, customers can opt for ozone mixers with or without our patented ozone injector. Depending on the nature of your applications, we offer mixers in materials such as PVC, stainless steel, Kynar, Teflon, and fiberglass.

These mixers are a smarter alternative to their mechanical counterparts, as the ozone motionless mixers

Attain Unprecedented Energy Savings with Komax Chemical Mixers

Whether it is applications such as flash mixing, disinfection or pH control, there are Komax chemical mixers that are designed for your specific requirements. That’s precisely why our mixers are used at the prestigious US Air Force Academy and the Scott

Candler Water Filter Plant in Dekalb County, Georgia to state a few examples. A key feature of our chemical mixersis the low pressure drop requirements for many mixing applications. This low pressure drop translates into huge energy savings of over 90% in comparison with mechanical mixing. For many applications the 30 years+ service life of a static mixer.Most of our clients are pleasantly surprised when they realize that there is virtually no maintenance over the entire life of the mixer. Pipeline mixers are available in FRP, PVC, stainless steel, carbon steel and lined varieties. Sizes of large pipeline mixers range up to 120" in diameter.

Since 1973 Komax Systems, Inc. has led the industry in static mixing technology offering a diverse range of Static Mixers, Steam Heaters, Desuperheaters, and Heat Exchangers.

Please visit www.komax.com to know how our extensive range of mixers can offer solutions for you application. Komax Systems, Inc’s static chemical mixers are designed in a manner that allows for additive mixing in both, pipe and in-channel installations. These mixers can handle a wide range of flow rates ranging from the smallest to very large.